Jane Casey Coaching
Life is full of pressures and uncertainties. Some days can feel totally overwhelming with a constant bombardment of news,
information and stressors.
Each day presents us with the chance to overthink.
I will support you to set achievable goals to not only feel better but to think better and to leave those unhelpful repetitive cycles behind you at last.
What is wellness or health coaching?
Coaching is not the same as counselling.
But it is a therapeutic and professional relationship between the client and a qualified coach.
The sessions are effectively a series of structured conversations, where the coach supports the client to set realistic goals to focus on whichever area of their life, they feel they would like to change or improve on.
This may be about managing anxiety, building resilience, weight management, exploring new ways of eating or how to be more physically active within the realms of what the client feels able to manage.
The sessions may take place, face to face, via Zoom or Facetime. Sometimes being outdoors with nature is a good way to explore your potential whilst enjoying the fresh air. Session length may vary according to what the client feels comfortable with and may take place weekly, fortnightly or monthly as agreed between the coach
and client.
The responsibility of coaching experience always lays with the client. The responsibility of the coach is to ensure a safe, non-judgmental, compassionate and confidential space in which the client can feel comfortable to explore their potential.
Boundaries and guidelines will be discussed between the coach and the client before the first session. Coaching should be a fun and exciting experience and the client needs to consider being open to change in order to be ‘coach ready’.
The possibilities are endless.
What I Offer
A holistic and compassionate approach to support you and help you manage your own health and wellbeing.
Being ‘well’ or being ‘healthy’ means something different to everyone. Comparing ourselves to others and their apparent achievements isn’t always helpful to us.
It can lead to us not feeling good enough, and so the cycle continues.
Being healthy isn’t always about being thin, going running, wrapping your legs around your neck or eating foods you can’t pronounce!
I offer a safe and confidential opportunity for you to discuss what being well or healthy means to you.
I will work along side you to set realistic and achievable goals, managed by you.
Without judgement.
Change is never easy and so often we fear it. But fear is the only thing holding us back.
Managing our fears allows us to grow and move forward in life in a way we choose to.
Take control. Be fearless!

Get In Touch
If you would just like to know more or wish to arrange to chat to discuss the things you think are holding you back, please contact me. There is no obligation.